Klipsch Reference Theater Pack

Marine Audio and LED Light Bars


Klipsch Reference Theater Pack


InnoMark Communications


Audio, push-buttons
The Challenge
A choice of two audio presentations with volume control from a MediaHub. This OMA award-winning presentation by Klipsch was built and deployed by InnoMark Communications.
The Process
Utilize the AH1 AudioHub features to start either a cinematic sound clip or a music clip to demonstrate the versatility of the speaker package.
The Experience
Hear either a movie clip or a music clip by pressing either of the illuminated push-buttons. Control volume by pressing the volume push-buttons. The AH1 AudioHub at the heart of this experience plays uncompressed music files for maximum quality audio. Press either button to begin a demo. The button blinks during the presentation, and the volume buttons light up, ready to adjust volume.
Start one of the audio presentations by pressing a push-button.
Klipsch loudspeakers sound great, driven by the Ascentic AudioHub.
Reference Theater Pack speakers excel with either movie sound or music.

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