
Headphones (multiple brands)


Northern Metal


Audio switching, Amplification, Volume control, Source switching

The Challenge

Using a Sony Walkman embedded in the display, demonstrate eight headphones and allow a customer music device to play through the selected headphones automatically when connected.

The Process

Incorporate switching and amplification electronics inside the headphone display shelves, with option for four or eight positions. Develop custom wiring, labels and instructions for easy on-site assembly and connection of the three part fixture.

The Experience

Try on a pair of headphones, press the button to select, and choose a song on the Sony player. Alternatively, connect your smartphone or MP3 player to hear your own music on the headphones. Turn the knob to adjust volume.

Users can listen to the built-in audio player or connect their own smartphone.

Eight pairs of headphones are available for demo with the touch of a button.

The four-pair headphone display shares the same essential components, minus one module.

Fixtures are pre-installed and loaded with products at the manufacturing plant.

Play music from the built-in Sony Walkman, or connect the Aux cable to a phone.

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8:30AM – 5:00PM EST

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