More About Christianity
All businesses are guided by some worldview
The currently popular notion that stripping religious values from institutions of business, government, education, charities, or associations makes them value-neutral is a fallacy. In fact that simply substitutes an opposing worldview of atheism or secular humanism with its own deeply held beliefs. So we may seek to find some moral middle ground to avoid offending anyone, but in a diverse culture that is simply not possible. Culture cannot be devoid of values.
So why is any of this important? Let me paraphrase from Christian apologist, Josh McDowell: Our beliefs determine our values, which drive our behavior and are evidenced in our relationships. That includes business. So hopefully without being too lengthy, I respectfully offer a summary of my own beliefs and pray it will stimulate your own contemplation of these things.
God is
Intellectually, I cannot deny the existence of God. In the Scriptures, Romans 1:20 expresses it this way: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
Since God is, then my own existence cannot really be isolated from that fact, and it raises the question of what can be known of Him and how I relate to Him. I believe He has chosen to reveal Himself to us most specifically through the Holy Scriptures – sixty-six books, divinely-inspired, written down by numerous authors over thousands of years, that collectively reveal a trustworthy account of God’s nature, character, and plan. In short, the scriptures are the Word of God, revealing how He has spoken and can be known today, at least to the limited degree that creatures of finite understanding may contemplate the infinite.
Man is Created in His Image and the Crown of Creation.
Mankind is innately rebellious and controlling. We seek our own way and advantage over others. That is the essence of sin – that which is displeasing to God. It separates us from a holy God. At its worst, it can make man capable of unbridled evil. But even those with a relatively uncorrupted conscience constantly fail to meet even their own standards of righteousness, much less God’s. No one is “good enough” to know, love and fellowship with God. His standard is perfection. Contrary to the popular notion, our righteousness is not a matter of weighing our good against our bad to tip the scales one way or the other. The apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans says it this way: “For all have sinned and fallen short of God’s perfection.”
God Revealed in Three Ways.
God's Plan to Redeem Fallen Man.
God's Law and His Grace.
God's Claim and Call on the Christian's Life.
Significance of Work.
Jesus called Christians to be “salt and light” in this world, that is, to make a difference and have an impact on others that glorifies God, not us. Living the Christian life is not something we do in secret. Instead, it requires that we boldly respond in daily life to uphold Biblical truth, respond to opportunities for ministry, and be prepared to offer an explanation for our faith when asked, or confronted with evil. Our lives, including our work, should reveal Christ in us and draw others to Him. So while faith may be an individual matter, it is not a private one as some would like to assert.
Closing Thoughts
- Comments and questions from an atheist.
- Read the Gospel of John to learn about the life of Jesus.
- Read Romans, the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Church in Rome.
- “Experiencing God Day-by-Day” daily Bible readings and commentary.
- “Let My People Think” podcast – Helping the thinker believe. Helping the believer think.
- “The Truth Project” DVD study looking at all areas of life from a Biblical perspective.
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